Potential Supplier

Braendgaard act mainly as agent, and work with all kind of customers and clients in Scandinavia.Therefore we are always ready to get info about new quality suppliers and their new developmentsguideline for you as a new potential supplier to the Scandinavian clients through Braendgaard textileAgency. In case your company is interested to introduce yourself and send us an offer, please follow below information, and send by mail.

Please send a brief introduction about your company with all contact details, and website. Please make your offer in Excel spreadsheet only, containing the following information as stated below.

  • Pictures of each product
  • All specifications each product such as Minimum – lead time – payment conditions ect.
  • Price per unit
  • Eventually samples. (our company address is shown on the page “contact our office or on the frontpage.”
  • Mail address for our sourcing department is bb@braendgaard.dk